Porteiro - Vaga exclusiva para Pessoas com DeficiênciasNa Agropalma, há muita coisa boa à sua espera. Então, se você é um profissional apaixonado por aprendizado e gosta de trabalhar em união, venha fazer parte do nosso time! Juntos, alcançaremos nossos objetivos.Estamos com oportunidades para pessoas com deficiência para todo o grupo.Descrição breve do cargoDar boas-vindas ao colaborador,...
Atividades: Realizar a movimentação de mercadorias, carregamento e descarregamento de cargas; executar a leitura das cargas via coletor, direcionando-as ao destino correto. Requisitos:Ensino médio completo; desejável experiência na área da logística; residir na localidade; disponibilidade para escalas Tipo de vaga: Efetivo CLT Pagamento: R$1.518,00 por mês Benefícios: - Assistência médica -...
Responsável peloplanejamento e execução de vendas de máquinas e implementos, bem como o acompanhamento das entregas dos produtos, buscando a realização de suas metas e da empresa, a satisfação e qualidade no atendimento do cliente na sua área de atuação. Responsabilidades e atribuições - Atender clientes em campo e nas lojas da AGRINORTE, identificando e orientando-o em suas necessidades,...
Estimado(a) Candidato(a), Abrimos a vaga para Consultor(a) de Vendas de Loja de Shopping e Lojas de Rua para a YESLASER BRASIL. Nós estamos procurando por uma profissional apaixonado por vendas e atendimento ao cliente, com habilidades comprovadas em gerar leads e fechar negócios. No cargo de Consultor(a) de Vendas , você será responsável por: - Promover e vender nossos produtos e serviços de...
DESCRIÇÃO DA VAGA Realizar atividades de análise de crédito na filial. REQUISITOS INDISPENSÁVEIS Ensino Médio Completo Conhecimento Informática REQUISITOS DESEJÁVEIS REGIME DE CONTRATAÇÃO CLT PCD INDIFERENTE BENEFÍCIOS De uma pequena loja inaugurada em 1966 na cidade de Douradina-PR para uma enorme empresa, com + 9000 talentos atendendo nos segmentos de Atacado, Consórcios,...
JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Being responsible for all financial analysis and reports, P&L evaluation, budgeting, capital investment, breakeven point, key business drivers and capital investment to support management decision-making and business growthReviewing forecast and monitoring the actual to ensure that the performance is on trackProactively analyzing and explaining the reason of significant...
JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Be the company representative for create new business partners in the assigned market.Manage company’s key existing customers and strategic market.Develop and maintain good relationship with both new business partners and existing customers.Understand and able to provide full information on company’s core products and services and arrange appointment with the prospects and...
QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor’s Degree or higher in Computer, Telecom Engineering or related fieldsGood command of English0-3 years in computer network/ IT Helpdesk/Internet Broadband experienceSolid knowledge of IT Infrastructure, LAN & WAN, Ethernet, MPLS, FTTxExperience with supporting IP services (TCP/IP, IPv4, IPv6, VPN, QOS, SDN, SNMP, VOIP)Experience with CISCO and Juniper, switches,...
JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Coordinate internal resources and third parties/vendors for the flawless execution of services.Ensure that all services are delivered on-time and within scope.Develop comprehensive project plans to be shared with clients as well as other staff members.Develop a detailed project plan to monitor and track progress.Implement and manage change when necessary to meet project...
JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: ให้ข้อมูลแก่ลูกค้าและติดต่อประสานงานกรณีที่ลูกค้าต้องการความช่วยเหลือบันทึกข้อมูลปัญหาในระบบวิเคราะห์ปัญหาเบื้องต้น รวมทั้งติดตามและรายงานผลการแก้ไขปัญหาจัดทำรายงานประจำวันอื่นๆตามที่หัวหน้างานมอบหมาย QUALIFICATIONS: ปริญญาตรี ทางด้านคอมพิวเตอร์ หรือสาขาที่เกี่ยวข้องมีความรู้พื้นฐานด้าน MS office, Network , Remote...
DESCRIÇÃO DA VAGA Exerce funções de zeladoria em edifício de apartamentos, comerciais e outros, promovendo sua limpeza e conservação e vigiando o cumprimento do regulamento interno, para assegurar o asseio, ordem e segurança do prédio e o bem-estar de seus ocupantes. Inspecionam corredores, pátios, áreas e instalações do prédio, verificando as necessidades de limpeza e reparos para...
JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Develop and maintain good relations with both new and existing customersProvide full information on products and services and arrange appointment with customersHandle full selling process from finding prospects, verifying opportunities until closing dealsCommunicate with Sales & Marketing team to gather required information for updating database and also keep closely...
RESPONSIBILITIES: ตรวจสอบ ดูแลระบบสื่อสัญญาณโทรคมนาคมโครงข่ายสายตอนนอกต่อเชื่อม ยกเลิกวงจรระบบสื่อสัญญาณโทรคมนาคมโครงข่ายสายตอนในตรวจสอบการติดตั้งระบบสื่อสัญญาณโทรคมนาคมโครงข่ายสายตอนนอกและโครงข่ายสายตอนใน QUALIFICATIONS: เพศชาย อายุไม่ต่ำกว่า 20 ปีจบการศึกษาระดับ ปวส. สาขาสื่อสาร โทรคมนาคม อิเล็คทรอนิคส์สื่อสาร หรือโครงข่ายสื่อสารโทรคมนาคมมีประสบการณ์ในงานซ่อมบำรุง ติดตั้ง Fiber Optic และ Drop...
JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Study the new business in the views assigned by managerHelp generate the business plan by working as a teamSearch for the information needed for generating the business plan eg market info, demand and competitorsBe able to draft the process for operationAlways self study for new trends related to company businessHelp generate the competitive analysis on the product...
JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Core Backbone design, Layer 1 functionality and operation.Maintain Core Backbone for Network Stability.Plan and delivery Layer 1 services.Finding for new transport technology.Work in a fast-paced dynamic environment and under high pressure. QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor’s Degree in Telecom Engineer, Electronic Engineer, Computer Engineer, Computer Science, IT or Related Field.At...
JOVEM APRENDIZ , Tailândia - PA moju, 24 - centro Responsabilidades - Auxiliar nas atividades administrativas e rotinas de vendas da loja; - Auxiliar no pré-atendimento ao cliente; - Apoiar os vendedores na organização das promoções do dia; - Auxiliar no atendimento telefônico da loja; - Auxiliar na organização, elaboração e manutenção de arquivos; - Apoiar na realização de...
KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Develop and maintain good relations with both new and existing customers.Provide full information on products and services and arrange appointment with customers.Handle full selling process from finding prospects, verifying opportunities until closing deals.Communicate with Sales & Marketing team to gather required information for updating database and also keep closely...
DESCRIÇÃO DA VAGA Atuar com Vendas geral da filial REQUISITOS INDISPENSÁVEIS Conhecimento básico de matemática (operações: +, -, /, e %); Segundo Grau completo Relacionamento Interpessoal; Energia; Raciocínio rápido; Domínio de informática e em redes sociais; Conhecimento Básico de Informática (word e excel) REQUISITOS DESEJÁVEIS Proativo. Comunicação clara. Criativo...
JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Be the company representative for create new business partners in the assigned marketManage company’s key existing customers and strategic marketDevelop and maintain good relationship with both new business partners and existing customersUnderstand and able to provide full information on company’s core products and services and arrange appointment with the prospects and...